
Custom gold candy pads metalized foil chocolate pads

Metalized foil cushion pads are an ideal choice for candy and chocolate desserts. Collocation Paper gift boxes, it is suitable for any occasion.

我哋製造 習慣 gold 巧克力墊 根據每個客戶的不同需求.

We can print your brand logo on the gold candy pad and provide cutting custom in different shapes.

candy pads

Custom your Metal foil paper pad

The cushion pads are made of food-grade paper and Surface foil coating, which helps to keep your delicacy food fresh. Helps protect candy and chocolate from external crushing and vibration.

Brown metal foil candy pads

Print your brand logo

We can print the brand logo and color printing on the metal foil coating, so that your goods have more visual impact and increase the desire to buy and share later

Square round heart rectangular candy chocolate mat customization

Custom your structure and shape

We have the development and manufacturing capabilities of square, circular, heart-shaped, and any shape.


10inch Metal aluminum foil gold candy pads chocolate mat (1)
11inch Metal aluminum foil gold candy pads chocolate mat (1)
12inch Metal aluminum foil gold candy pads chocolate mat (1)
13inch Metal aluminum foil gold candy pads chocolate mat (1)
14inch Metal aluminum foil gold candy pads chocolate mat (1)
15inch Metal aluminum foil gold candy pads chocolate mat (1)
16inch Metal aluminum foil gold candy pads chocolate mat (1)
17inch Metal aluminum foil gold candy pads chocolate mat (1)
18inch Metal aluminum foil gold candy pads chocolate mat (1)
19inch Metal aluminum foil gold candy pads chocolate mat (1)
custom - Candy & Chocolate Packaging Manufacturer
20inch Metal aluminum foil gold candy pads chocolate mat (1)

We can not only produce round paper pads of various sizes (including but not limited to 10 英寸, 11 英寸, 12 英寸, 13 英寸, 14 英寸, 15 英寸, 16 英寸, 17 英寸, 18 英寸, 19 英寸, 20 inches in diameter) metal aluminum foil paper pads.

Brown and white are also popular colors

4.7inch square Metal aluminum foil gold candy pads chocolate mat
6.5inch square Metal aluminum foil gold candy pads chocolate mat
7.5inch square Metal aluminum foil gold candy pads chocolate mat
8inch square Metal aluminum foil gold candy pads chocolate mat
9inch square Metal aluminum foil gold candy pads chocolate mat
10inch square Metal aluminum foil gold candy pads chocolate mat

We help customize square candy and chocolate mats of different sizes in some small cartons or gift boxes. It not only supports DIY of different sizes but also provides the printing design of the brand logos. Help start-ups grow

rectangle Metal aluminum foil gold candy pads chocolate mat
3 1/2 ”3 1/4 ”
6 1/2 ”3 1/2 ”
8 1/8 ”5 1/4 ”
10 1/2 ”8 1/8 ”

We can make any size and thickness you want


Candy Bar Cushions Structure Schematic

Candy pads are available in white or gold and have glassine bottoms. Protect your chocolates and other confections from shifting inside the candy box. You can also use these candy pads to separate layers of confections in a multi-layer box.

Our metal cushion paper supports additional elegant brand packaging elements.
You can use our luxurious, standard silver finish of metallized paper to create a high-quality cushion, which is perfect for high-end candy, chocolate and cookies. You can also color or print our metal paper and add other designs or brands to your mat.
Using our metal paper, your mat will be recyclable and environmentally friendly.

R & D engineer and technical director

我哋反覆改進研發 糖果墊 為您的巧克力糖果提供卓越嘅保護.


糖果墊係由多層紙製成嘅內部結構, 就好似好多小彈簧一樣, 係呢啲小彈簧嘅緩衝力. 它將保持巧克力安全周轉運輸.

5 - Candy & Chocolate Packaging Manufacturer



保鮮紙具有抗靜電性, 易吸油, 非水, 表面定製印刷, 同高防空通道. 保鮮紙係製作巧克力盒填充物嘅最佳原料. 保鮮紙仲具有低油墨遷移率,以確保印刷油墨唔會遷移到食品中.

我哋使用嘅保鮮紙係食品級嘅. 確保它可以與您的巧克力接觸而無憂無慮.

無論係外部保鮮紙仲係內部蜂窩緩衝器所有巧克力盒填充物 100% 可回收同環保嘅可生物降解. 我哋喺無塵嘅環境中製造我哋嘅咕,以確保冇污染嘅機會.

8 - Candy & Chocolate Packaging Manufacturer
矩形, 廣場, 心, 圈, 三角形, 八角形或你講嘅形狀, 我定製咗任何形狀嘅糖果墊. 佢哋所做嘅一切都係基於您的規格. 訂單數量不設最低要求. 佢哋嘅價錢係您的確切需求.
6 - Candy & Chocolate Packaging Manufacturer
3 層和 5 層結構. 佢哋一直喺創新和改進我哋嘅產品. 佢哋已經發展 7 層和 9 層結構, 目前與創新和優雅嘅替代品融合喺一齐! 普通或印刷, 巧克力或白巧克力將補充我哋嘅外包裝. 定製設計打印,以增強糖果墊嘅優雅.
5 1 - Candy & Chocolate Packaging Manufacturer
PapercuShionPads有一個管理 - 哲學 - 服務. 產品質量和溝通可以得到客戶嘅滿意.
4 1 - Candy & Chocolate Packaging Manufacturer
裝飾性和保護性糖果墊都稱為填充物, 華 夫 餅, 同裝飾墊. 但無論你如何稱呼它們, 被稱為當今市場上最迷人嘅! 我哋有與佢哋合作一段時間 10 年. 佢哋將繼續我哋狂熱嘅質素方法, 服務, 同準時交貨.

Free samples and quick quotes


50 人過 10 年

26 新員工, 4 設計師, 3 售貨員


1700m2潔淨車間1500 m2紫外線殺菌車間


自動化生產線 5 糖果墊


呢啲咕係糖果嘅天然泉水, 確保移動和運輸唔會破壞您的美味巧克力.


係, our surface materials and printing inks meet the requirements of food grade, so you can order with confidence

Cushion is the key to ensure the safety of chocolate candy. If you have delicate chocolates that may crack or break under pressure, then mats are ideal for protecting them from damage. You need to protect your candy from wear and tear during transportation and delivery. This can ensure that your dessert is intact and that customers receive products that meet your high standards.
Metallized paper mats are also used to fill the gaps in the box. This helps prevent chocolate from moving around during transportation and may also cause damage. 都令盒子看起來更具吸引力, especially if you choose a colored mat to compliment your brand’s color scheme!

Any size you want, 圈, 廣場, rectangle, triangle and heart

The sample period is usually 5-7 日, and the batch production is 15-18 working days according to the order quantity and difficulty. We recommend sea transportation, which can reduce the transportation cost. If you order in small batches, you can also consider national express delivery. We can send it to any country


2 在線銷售工程師



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