White Candy Pads for candy & 朱古力盒

Customized White Candy Pads from China’s Leading Manufacturing Facility: 材料, 顏色, 大小, and Printing Design at Your Fingertips!

Our white candy pads are made from food grade greaseproof paper and cushioning to ensure a durable and attractive finish. You are free to choose the size and brand printing to blend in with your chocolates, and all materials are carefully crafted for superior quality.


Excellent air cushioning layer

Choose from our wide range of white shades to ensure your candy print mat fits perfectly with your brand’s aesthetic. From classic white to any print colour palette, we’ve got you covered.

Tailored Sizing Options

Tailored Sizing Options

No need to settle for standard sizes. With our freedom of sizing, you dictate the dimensions that suit your candies perfectly. We understand that every candy is unique, and so should be its packaging.

Print brand LOGO candy mat

Printed Artistry

Transform your White Candy Pads into a canvas of your brand story. Our advanced printing techniques ensure that your designs, 標誌, or messages are vividly brought to life, creating a lasting impression on your customers.

Distance is not a barrier; it’s an opportunity. Benefit from our global doorstep delivery services, ensuring that your custom-designed White Candy Pads reach you wherever you are in the world, with the same quality and care.

At Papercushionpackage, we take pride in being a leader in the manufacturing industry, delivering excellence in every aspect of our services. Your journey with us is not just about buying packaging; it’s about investing in an experience that elevates your brand.

Customize your white candy pads Number of layers and thickness

Candy Bar Cushions Structure Schematic

R & D工程師兼技術總監

我哋反覆改進研發 糖果墊 為您的巧克力糖果提供卓越嘅保護.


糖果墊係由多層紙製成嘅內部結構, 就好似好多小彈簧一樣, 係呢啲小彈簧嘅緩衝力. 它將保持巧克力安全周轉運輸.

5 - Candy & Chocolate Packaging Manufacturer



保鮮紙具有抗靜電性, 易吸油, 非水, 表面定製印刷, 同高防空通道. 保鮮紙係製作巧克力盒填充物嘅最佳原料. 保鮮紙仲具有低油墨遷移率,以確保印刷油墨唔會遷移到食品中.

我哋使用嘅保鮮紙係食品級嘅. 確保它可以與您的巧克力接觸而無憂無慮.

無論係外部保鮮紙仲係內部蜂窩緩衝器所有巧克力盒填充物 100% 可回收同環保嘅可生物降解. 我哋喺無塵嘅環境中製造我哋嘅咕,以確保冇污染嘅機會.

8 - Candy & Chocolate Packaging Manufacturer
矩形, 廣場, 心, 圈, 三角形, 八角形或你講嘅形狀, 我定製咗任何形狀嘅糖果墊. 佢哋所做嘅一切都係基於您的規格. 訂單數量不設最低要求. 佢哋嘅價錢係您的確切需求.
6 - Candy & Chocolate Packaging Manufacturer
3 層和 5 層結構. 佢哋一直喺創新和改進我哋嘅產品. 佢哋已經發展 7 層和 9 層結構, 目前與創新和優雅嘅替代品融合喺一齐! 普通或印刷, 巧克力或白巧克力將補充我哋嘅外包裝. 定製設計打印,以增強糖果墊嘅優雅.
5 1 - Candy & Chocolate Packaging Manufacturer
PapercuShionPads有一個管理 - 哲學 - 服務. 產品質量和溝通可以得到客戶嘅滿意.
4 1 - Candy & Chocolate Packaging Manufacturer
裝飾性和保護性糖果墊都稱為填充物, 華 夫 餅, 同裝飾墊. 但無論你如何稱呼它們, 被稱為當今市場上最迷人嘅! 我哋有與佢哋合作一段時間 10 年. 佢哋將繼續我哋狂熱嘅質素方法, 服務, 同準時交貨.


50 人過 10 年

26 新員工, 4 設計師, 3 售貨員


1700m2潔淨車間1500 m2紫外線殺菌車間


自動化生產線 5 糖果墊


Our advanced printing technology allows for precise logo reproduction, ensuring your brand leaves a lasting impression.

We cater to both small and large orders. There’s flexibility to accommodate your specific needs.

Our customization process allows you to specify dimensions, ensuring a perfect fit for your candies.

Turnaround times vary, but we strive for efficiency. You’ll receive a clear estimate during the ordering process.

係, you can order samples to evaluate the quality and design before committing to a larger order.

係, the material is biodegradable and recyclable, contributing to sustainable packaging solutions.

While we encourage your unique designs, our team can assist you in refining and optimizing your concepts.


2 在線銷售工程師



12 年製造經驗