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Безопасные для пищевых продуктов чернила: что нужно знать

Food Safe Ink


Общество прогрессирует, when people’s awareness of food safety is no longer stuck in the era of whether or not the food is genetically modified and checking the ingredient list of the printed package. And food direct or indirect contact with packaging materials and food safety inks and even food safe glue are also subject to people’s attention and supervision.

Previously, it was thought that ink types were generally considered unimportant because they did not come into direct contact with food. In fact, however, they are critical to the safety of food packaging.
Even when you get your hands on the bag or box is not in direct contact with the printed layer of food, but in the production process, all packaging materials are only front and back, when a large number of printed materials stacked on top of each other, it is inevitable that the printed layer will be directly in contact with the food surface with the later layer. If the use of inks that do not meet food safety, just in this one link there may be ink transfer to direct contact with food.
Just because we can’t see it with the naked eye doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen.

Hazards of consuming non-food grade inks

Printing inks are traditionally made from a combination of chemical components such as colorant, binder, color enhancer, and solvent. Many of these chemicals cause health and environmental hazards.

As early as 2016, а pubmed article titled “Printed paper and board food contact materials as a potential source of food contamination” has already described how food-contact paper and printed materials can be used as a potential source of food contamination. Printed paper and board food contact materials as a potential source of food contamination”.

The risk of contamination by chemical inks in food sales increases when you consume foods from small factories or foods that are not clearly labeled. 2021 In Slovenia, there was an increase in cases of norovirus due to contaminated packaging suspected.

Why food grade inks are safe

Food inks are generally derived from plants or crops, like soy inks are widely known. Because they are naturally derived, food inks do not have rich, яркие цвета.

Is food grade ink safe to eat?

Food grade inks (or food-safe inks) are dyes and inks that are safe for printing on food packages. This means that even if the inks penetrate your food, they don’t contaminate them. In other words, food-grade inks are edible inks that inkjet printers use for printing on food packages. They’re different from food coloring and shouldn’t be used interchangeably.


Meat Packaging

Nowadays, all meat has to be traceable from the moment it enters the food chain


Pills need to be marked with identification data to ensure that they aren’t counterfeit, or tampered with in any way. They need to be clearly marked with the name of the drug they contain, as well as dosage information.

Food Grade Ink Pad for eggs

EGG PRINTING - Candy & Chocolate Packaging Manufacturer

egg marking ink is formulated to comply with food safety standards and is applied directly onto the egg. The egg ink helps businesses worldwide to correctly label products and meet quality standards.

Chocolate Box Cushion Pads

Конфетные подушечки ink and cardboard are Food-grade. НАС. FDA and EDQM food contact materials paper and cardboard certificates can be provided.

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